1. For maximum bridal line performance we recommend you merchandise your showcase around these proven best sellers. Click here for 2012 best sellers.
2. Upgrade to the latest version of RingFinder
Consumers select independent jewelers for the superior service & more knowledgeable sales experience . The latest version of RingFinder significantly enhances the professionalism of your sales teams with these new “one tap” capabilities:
1. At glance your sales teams can now display which rings in our collection can accommodate a specific diamond shape & size.
2. At a glance refine this search to include only wedding sets.
3. At a glance refine this search to include only a specific price point.
3. Many new band options now available. Check them out on RingFinder.
Be the first to enjoy our 2013 product releases & exciting new marketing & advertising campaign. Plan to attend the Chicago Smart Show April 13-15, 2013.