Paying your account via our AcceptPay Direct Debit system will earn you a 2.75% advertising rebate on each payment. You will receive your rebate by the 15th of the following month.

Please note only you can authorize a payment from your account! The information you submit is no more than what is on the face of your check. The system will also save you time & it will, like all green technologies cut down on paperwork & it helps keep your paperwork organized.

Depending on the amount you spend with us these savings really add up.

$50,000 per year … you earn rebates of $1375

$75,000 per year… you earn rebates of $2050

$150,000 per year … you earn rebates of $4125

$250,000 per year … you earn rebates of $6875

Stamps to mail you checks to us are now going to cost you a lot more than 44 cents- anywhere from $100 to $575 per stamp.

The Fine Print:

Certain high value invoices are not eligible for AcceptPay processing. You must join to take advantage of these savings. To join call Julie Pizza 312 268 2484 or email